Getting Around
avión - airplane
tren - train
autobús - bus
taxi - taxi
metro - metro
estación - station
aeropuerto - airport
derecha - right
izquierda - left
recto - straight
esquina - corner
mapa - map
hotel - hotel
restaurante - restaurant
banco - bank
supermercado - supermarket
farmacia - pharmacy
policía - police
Essential Phrases
hola - hello
buenos días - good morning
buenas tardes - good afternoon
buenas noches - good evening
adiós - goodbye
Basic Phrases:
por favor - please
gracias - thank you
de nada - you're welcome
lo siento - I'm sorry
disculpe - excuse me
¿Habla inglés? - Do you speak English?
No hablo español - I don't speak Spanish
¿Cuánto cuesta? - How much does it cost?
¿Dónde está...? - Where is...?
¿Qué hora es? - What time is it?
Food and Drink
desayuno - breakfast
almuerzo - lunch
cena - dinner
agua - water
café - coffee
jugo - juice
cerveza - beer
vino - wine
Additional Vocabulary
uno - one
dos - two
tres - three
cuatro - four
cinco - five
seis - six
siete - seven
ocho - eight
nueve - nine
diez - ten
Days of the week:
lunes - Monday
martes - Tuesday
miércoles - Wednesday
jueves - Thursday
viernes - Friday
sábado - Saturday
domingo - Sunday
Learn basic phrases before you go.
Try to speak slowly and clearly.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Use gestures and body language to help you communicate.
Bring a phrasebook or language app with you.